Kevin Fowler - "Pound Sign (#?*!)"

Ever a popular figure in Texas, Kevin Fowler is aiming to follow in the footsteps of Pat Green and Jack Ingram to national success with his latest effort, "Pound Sign (#?*!)." Does he have a single which will appeal to the masses outside of the southwest?

Ever a popular figure in Texas, Kevin Fowler is aiming to follow in the footsteps of Pat Green and Jack Ingram to national success with his latest effort, Pound Sign (#?*!).  On one of the more interesting new songs of 2010, Fowler displays his mastery of the art of discretion.  Fowler rolls together both his state of mind when entering the bar, and his hangover the next morning, by skillfully saying he feels like “Pound sign, question mark, star, exclamation point…”

Musically, the song doesn’t stray too far from the sound that has made Fowler a regional success in Texas, but the clever and catchy hook of the song may be just the thing that launches Fowler into the national limelight.  Lyrically, Fowler has done a great job crafting a song that should play well both in a barroom and blasting from the speakers of your car.  Maintaining a melody throughout a chorus with such non-lyrical words was also a challenge, but Fowler does give the song a manageable flow. 

While Jack Ingram may have covered similar territory with his hit “Love You”, Fowler has certainly taken that to another level on Pound Sign.  In doing so Fowler and his new label Lyric Street may have found just the song to get people talking.  Kevin Fowler certainly does make feeling like #?*! seem like a lot of fun.

Click here to listen to the single.

You can support Kevin Fowler by purchasing this single at Amazon | iTunes.