Randy Houser "Anything Goes" CD For Sale for $1.99

Want to give a an album a shot but too shy to pay full price? Well then you'll love Amazon.com's sale today for Randy's CD.  It's for sale December 18 for only $1.99.

Want to give a an album a shot but too shy to pay full price? Well then you'll love Amazon.com's sale today for Randy's "Anthing Goes" CD.  It's for sale December 18 for only $1.99.  Worried about mp3s not working with your iTunes or Zune? Well, no fears my friend as Amazon.com's digital downloads are DRM Free.  That makes them work with any and all computer and digital music jukeboxes. 

The album features the title track and 10 other strong tracks.  Read the Roughstock review of the album here.

Read our special interview with Randy, where he discussess how he became the artist he is here.